Physical Literacy
Physical Literacy
The philosophical basis of physical literacy, defined as "having the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding, valuing and taking responsibility to participate in physical activities throughout life", is seen as a basic literacy for individuals to lead a unique life. In the educational environment, it is argued that it should be the basis of physical education lessons, especially to nurture physical literacy (Whitehead, 2010). This is because nurturing physical literacy through physical education enables children to become both continuous and competent in a wide range of physical activities in adulthood.
This workshop aims to raise the awareness of physical education teachers to ground physical literacy with physical education lessons and to make sense of the philosophical dimension of the concept of physical literacy. After making sense of the concepts of physical literacy, it will be revealed by discussing and producing with the participants what kind of an environment will serve physical literacy if an environment is created in the context of physical education lessons with case studies. Thus, the participants will be able to understand the difference between the concept of physical literacy from physical education lessons, exercise, and physical activity concepts and will be able to understand how physical education lessons can support physical literacy.
Presenters: Dr. Özlem ALAGÜL - Academic Member / Kastamonu University, Faculty of Sports Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ferda GÜRSEL - Academic Member / Ankara University, Faculty of Sport Sciences